divendres, 22 de febrer del 2019

5th Grade: Workshop – Pancake Day

In workshop, we have been working about the different festivities celebrated in United Kingdom.

During these weeks we have studied the festivity of Pancake Day thanks to a video project. In class we have read about the festivity and we have looked for the recipe for cooking pancakes.

Individually or in pairs, we have become super chefs and we have recorded a video while we were cooking pancakes. You can watch at the videos how the students have taken the great chef they have inside and have put all their energy in cooking (and eating) the pancakes.

Thanks to that, we have discovered an English tradition and many vocabulary, and the students have been able to practice their listening and cooperative work skills. They have enjoyed a lot the project, and that is that, learning by playing can be the best option, and we know that.

Enjoy one of our video and do not hesitate to use our recipes (yummy, yummy)!

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