dijous, 31 de gener del 2019

The planet Earth

During this week, 4th grade students  have been working in a science project.
First, we have looked into the planet Earth parts: the North and South Pole and its hemispheres.
Then, we have drawn the Earth and we have pointed the most important parts and the different imaginary lines that we have discovered.
Finally, we have done an extensive presentation to our classmates.

It has been so interesting and we have learned a lot.

They are definitely succeeding to become great scientists!

divendres, 25 de gener del 2019


The students have made a presentation of the systems we have in our body. They are very professional! They have formed five groups and each group has worked a different system. They have used plasticine and colors to decorate. They have worked very well in groups :)
Working in groups
Exposition :)

dimecres, 23 de gener del 2019


The students of 3rd have made a healthy menu. We have worked in groups of 4-5 people, have thought about the menu of a restaurant (invented) with their prices, starters, main courses, desserts, ... In addition, they could cut out images of supermarkets and hook food in the cardboard.

They liked it because they learned the importance of eating healthy foods and the need for super healthy restaurants! 

We are what we eat! :) 

dilluns, 21 de gener del 2019


After our Christmas Holidays, 2nd graders have started a great adventure... A trip around the world. We made our own passport, the boarding pass and each group decided our destination. Nearly ready to fly, but... What about our bags and clothes? 

More news soon, stay tuned!

divendres, 11 de gener del 2019


Today we made a diagram by filling in the gaps that were empty. The words were related to the topic we are working on: Our Systems. 

First, we worked individually and then we shared it with the partner. We like to learn about our nervous system, the locomotor system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system and the reproductive system! :)