divendres, 30 de novembre del 2018


De la mateixa manera que les aranyes teixeixen les seves teranyines, aquest 1r trimestre els nens i nenes de 2n hem volgut teixir la complicitat de la nostra amistat. 

Tot passant-nos un cabdell de llana, hem anat dient què ens agrada dels nostres companys i companyes. 

El resultat? 

Una teranyina d'emocions amb la que ens ho hem passat d'allò més bé!


Last month 2nd graders celebrated Halloween and we became the best trick-or-treaters in the school. Do you want to learn our chant? We hope you like it!

dimarts, 27 de novembre del 2018

5th Grade Science - LIVING THINGS

We carried out another interesting project in science class about living things! 

We wanted to learn more about them, that is why we started a project from the question: “How do we identify the main characteristics of a living thing?” 
In groups, we became experts of one of the kingdoms and created a video summarizing the main characteristics of their kingdom. Here we show how hard the kids worked and one of the products of their project. 
Now, we are starting a new topic and we are discovering the variety of ecosystems that we can find in our planet. 

Well, as you can see in the following photos and video, we love “learning by doing” with such visual and interactive projects! 

We hope you enjoy!