dijous, 14 de juny del 2018

Ens orientem amb "Google maps"

A quart estem aprenent a orientar-nos i desplaçar-nos I per fer-lo hem utilitzat l’Ipad i l’aplicació de “Google maps”. En grups, hem sabut trobar un destí i hem creat una ruta amb transport públic per anar des de l’escola a diferents llocs de Barcelona.
Ens ha encantat!!!

dimecres, 13 de juny del 2018


Our groups of seven year olds had a lot of fun pretending to be doctors. At one point,we had the same number of doctors and patients. The sick person stepped in with lots of “owies” that needed to be diagnosed and treated. We love to watch where their imaginations take them and we believe that pretend play is such a magical and important part of childhood and learning.

dilluns, 11 de juny del 2018

This morning some very special people paid us a visit, our e-Pals! They’ve come all the way from Liverpool (Anfield Road Primary School) and they’re staying in Barcelona until next Friday. First, we've introduced ourselves and then we've made some presentations about different topics so they get to know us and the school better. We've talked about the school, places to visit in Barcelona, the typical food and we’ve given them some tips to be good tourists as well. After that, we've have played a Kahoot! to check what they've learned!
We’ve also made a tour of the building and we've showed them the swimming pool, our classrooms, the dining room, the playground and so on. Finally, we’ve gone up to Sala Taronja and we’ve played some get-to-know-you games, it’s been a great day! We hope they come back soon!

divendres, 8 de juny del 2018

Hello everyone! During this term, first graders have worked in groups in order to distinguish the difference between tools, simple machines and complex machines. Now we know the names of the most important inventions of all time! Do you want to tell us what is your favourite invention? Write your comment!