dimecres, 11 d’abril del 2018

Provem noves maneres de treballar els dictats

Avui durant l'hora de català, els alumnes de cinquè hem obert la paret que separa les nostres aules i hem treballat l'accentuació catalana fent servir una tècnica cooperativa que s'anomena Full Giratori. 

És una manera diferent de treballar on ens ajudem els uns als altres i resolem els dubtes plegats.

Fins aviat!

Els de cinquè fem de mestres de l'hort

Després d'haver fet també conjuntament el planter, dies enrere vam trasplantar al nostre hort. Però això no va ser tot: ara ja som prou competents en l'hort com per explicar com fer-ho als petits i sembrar conjuntament amb P3-P4 i P5. Ara a regar, esperar que creixin els pèsols i observar què passa.

dilluns, 9 d’abril del 2018

English Week 6th Grade

During the English Week, before Easter holidays, we were working about India. We started the week with general culture about the country: the currency, number of inhabitants, famous places and buildings and food among other things. After having an idea of what India was about we started preparing our performances: a Bollywood dance and a play about a legend from India. We had a really great time dancing and doing theatre!
Hope you enjoy!
6th grade.

dijous, 5 d’abril del 2018

Hello everyone! Hope you had a nice Easter break!
Before the Easter holidays, we celebrated the English Week. In 5th grade we learned lots of things about South Africa: what Apartheid was, who Nelson Mandela was, the fact that it has 11 official languages… We made African masks and our own Awalé game as well. In 5th A and B we learned how to sing Wavin’ Flag, and in 5th C and D we learned how to dance Waka Waka. We had a great time! Talk soon!

5th grade