Hi everybody! Last week the students of 2nd grade
learned a lot about the Solar System through Ipads. They played a game called
"Kahoot", in which they had to answer 20 multiple-choice questions in
teamworks. It was
funny and we're going to repeat it!
L'educació és l'arma més poderosa per canviar el món (Nelson Mandela)
dimarts, 27 de febrer del 2018
dimecres, 21 de febrer del 2018
Creem un joc
A Educació Física hem decidit
canviar rols i passar a ser nosaltres els mestres que ensenyen a la resta dels
companys. Per tal de fer-ho hem creat un joc en grups de 6 que haurem de posar
en pràctica pròximament. Però…. encara hi ha una altra sorpresa. Serem
nosaltres mateixos els encarregats d’avaluar la resta dels companys!
A veure com se’ns dóna la feina de
Aquí us deixem un recull de les
nostres estones.
Fins aviat,
dimecres, 14 de febrer del 2018
Treball cooperatiu entre cursos
La setmana passada vam gaudir de la festa del
Carnestoltes. Dies abans, els alumnes de Cicle Inicial vam fer un treball
cooperatiu amb nens d'altres cursos. Els nens i nenes de 1r van treballar amb els de 6è mentre que 2n va
treballar amb 4rt. Va ser una experiència molt enriquidora!
dilluns, 12 de febrer del 2018
Science Project
everybody! This time our project is about electricity and magnetism. As we have
learnt a lot, we have decided to be inventors and make our own compasses. We
made a compass so that we do not get lost anywhere and we have a useful object
to use in case of need. We had a lot of fun creating something simple that
seems so complex.
We love projects!
See you soon,
6th Grade.
English Project 6th
Lately we’ve been talking about recycling and pollution. Within this topic,
we have created some objects and useful things thanks to recycled material we
brought. We have thought about objects we can use in our homes, in our class,
or simply for having fun.
Here you have some of the ideas! Hope you enjoy them!
See you soon,
6th Grade.
dijous, 8 de febrer del 2018
És carnestoltes a cilce mitjà!
Hola famílies!
els ajudants del rei carnestoltes van passar el dilluns a
donar-nos les consignes per la resta de la setmana i aquest ha sigut el
resultat de tots els alumnes de cicle mitjà.
Ha sigut tan divertit!! Ja volem repetir!
We are TV News reporters!
After finishing Unit 3, we became TV news
reporters for a couple of weeks. We had to do some research about past and
recent natural disasters, and then write the script for our TV news programme. It
was our first hands-on experience with iPads and we enjoyed it so much! We hope
we can use them again soon!
divendres, 2 de febrer del 2018
The human body
Hello again!
During these last 2 weeks, the 3rd graders have been
working on a very special Science project. We drew a big human body and we
filled it with all the organs of the systems we have been learning about in
this unit. Each table was an expert group about one system and they had to
create the parts and make some cards explaining the function of each organ. We
have become expert scientists about the human body! Here you have some examples
of the process and the results. Enjoy!
Restaurants English project
Hi there!
To conclude the last English
unit about The picnic, in 3rd grade we decide to
create our own restaurant in groups and design a different and creative menu
for each one. This way, they put in practice all the vocabulary they knew about
the food and they learned a new one. Here you can see some examples of the
creative menus. We hope you like it!
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