divendres, 23 de juny del 2017

Últims moments del curs

Avui és l'últim dia d'escola i els nens i nenes de cicle mitjà han anat al Parc del Llobregat on hem fet una gimcana amb diferents proves com, estirar la corda, el mocador, buscar objectes dins la farina, molts jocs d'aigua i d'equilibri. Ens ha fet un dia esplèndid i ens ho hem passat d'allò més bé.

Us desitgem molt bones vacances i ens veiem al setembre!

dilluns, 19 de juny del 2017

Marshmallow challange

Hello families!
Last week some students of 4th grade were involved in the marshmallow challange. In the following link (under the picture), you can watch a Ted talk about this interesting challange. To sum up, it is a teamwork project, that test our students abilities to work in group. 

Resultat d'imatges de marshmallow challenge ted

Apart from the nerves, the hurry and the adrenaline, the kids had lots of fun and learned a little bit more about communication, organization and roles in a team with a common goal, wich in this case was to buid a tower with spaghettis and to put at the top a mashmallow, only with the help of tape and string. 

Here you have some pictures of the activity:

Although not all the towers were steady enough, we all had a great time and shared a wonderful experience!