dissabte, 30 de desembre del 2017

Nadales a Cicle Inicial

Durant aquest mes de desembre els nens i nenes de Cicle Inicial han fet els concerts de Nadal, tot cantant i recitant poemes. Ha estat d'allò més emocionant!

divendres, 22 de desembre del 2017

Pla Lector

Els alumnes de segon hem estat treballant en grups cooperatius el llibre Medianoche en la Luna. Hem comentat allò que més ens ha agradat i seguidament hem fet una fitxa de lectura.
Hem parlat sobre qui era l’autor, quins personatges apareixien a la història, quin problema hi havia i com se solucionava.

Ara només ens queda fer l’exposició!

dimarts, 19 de desembre del 2017


Hello everyone!! 

4th grade students explored the body systems, their parts and functions. They also recreated systems by using different materials and textures. 

We enjoyed it so much! Hope you like the pictures! 

See you! :)

dilluns, 18 de desembre del 2017

English Project a 3r : HAPPY PETS

During the last unit, we have talked about how to take care of our pets and we liked so much that we decided to do a project about it. 

Each child had to bring a picture of his pet and fill in an information chart using the grammar and the vocabulary we have been working on. 

To finish the project, we decided to play a game called "What pet am I?" in which they had to ask some questions to have enough information to guess which pet his friend was. 

It was a blast and they are looking forward for the next English project!

dijous, 14 de desembre del 2017

English Project 6th Grade

Hello! In English we have created a song with all the things we have learned in all this trimester! The songs were really good and original! We had to think about lots of things that involved composing a song: rhythm, lyrics, verses, etc.

Thanks to the teamwork the choreographies, lyrics and posters were very original! We had so much fun dancing and singing!!!

Science Project 6th Grade

In 6th grade we have been working on a project about pregnancy. This project has been so fun and interesting! We learned what happens in every month of the pregnancy period.
First, we watched a video which explained every month of pregnancy, and later we chose the one we were the most interested to draw it.

Later on, we drew the nine months on paper where we could see in a drawing how the baby looks each month and which parts are highlighted in each.

Finally, we hanged the project in our corridors so that all the school can know more about it!

We will keep on doing more projects! It’s really fun!!!

dimarts, 12 de desembre del 2017

5th Grade Science Ecosystems

Hi Science lovers!!

To finish the first term of Natural Science, each team has recreated a type of ecosystem inside a shoebox! Are you ready to travel?

We have explored the jungle diversity, the depth of the ocean and the calm of the desert among other types of ecosystems. 
As little dragonflies whose field of vision is nearly 360 degrees, we have looked at the mixture of living and non-living things of each of them and discovered the richness and beauty of our planet. 

Enjoy the trip! :-)


dimarts, 5 de desembre del 2017

In 5th grade we have been working on two projects for the past couple of weeks. In the first project we had to find out what jobs each family member carried out and later create a bar graph with all the collected data. We had to explain in front of our classmates the conclusions drawn, along with the pros and cons of teamwork. 
The second project has been more fun, we've had to create a Kahoot! We've had to invent fifteen questions (and four possible answers for each!) about Ancient Rome. In the next class, we're going to play and have lots of fun. See you soon!

5th Grade. 

English Project

Hello families!

Second grade was doing a project about "The City and the shops". Take a look at our nice buildings. You can find: pet shops, restaurants, hospitals, supermarkets, toy shops, shoe shops, museums, cinemas and more!

We had so much fun! Enjoy!

divendres, 1 de desembre del 2017

Esperem el Nadal!

Avui 1 de desembre comença el compte enrere! Els nens i nenes de 4t de primària esperem el Nadal amb el calendari d'advent. Hem fet manualment postals i cada dia en repartirem una a un nen o nena diferent. Quina il·lusió!!!

dimecres, 29 de novembre del 2017

Sortida a la Biblioteca

Els nens i nenes de primer hem fet una sortida a la biblioteca de la Sagrada Família 
durant el mes de novembre.

Allà ens han ensenyat les normes més importants, ens han explicat com podem fer el 
préstec de llibres i com podem fer-nos el carnet de la biblioteca. A més a més, hem vist una gran classificació de contes, revistes, còmics i llibres de diferents tipus, ens han explicat un conte i després hem llegit tots aquells que ens han agradat més.

Ha estat súper interessant i divertit.

dimarts, 28 de novembre del 2017

6è Joc Cooperatiu Català

Després d’uns dies molt atrafegats toca airejar-nos una mica i divertir-nos amb... el JOC COOPERATIU!

Després d’una comprensió lectora sobre qüestions de vista, vam decidir que nosaltres també ens convertiríem en escriptoris i que aprendríem una nova forma de llegir i escriure textos.

Així doncs, vam proposar elaborar refranys catalans escrit en Braille. Vam començar buscant una plantilla per a saber com funcionava aquesta nova forma d’escriptura i, un cop vam tenir-la, vam dividir-nos en petits grupets per començar l’elaboració del refrany escollit. Cada grup va escollir un refrany o dita de les que havíem llegit i, seguint la plantilla, van elaborar els diferents refranys catalans escrits en Braille.

Els resultats van ser realment espectaculars! A més, l’experiència va ser molt curiosa i enriquidora per a tothom!


dijous, 23 de novembre del 2017

5th Grade Science - LIVING THINGS

Hello everybody!!!

We carried out another interesting project in science class! Each group chose a vertebrate and an invertebrate animal to show some important characteristics of each living thing, such as their bodies, how they breath, how they reproduce and we even added an interesting fact related to them that will surprise you! Did you know that octopus’ blood is blue or that 9000 species of sponges exist in the world?

Well, as you can see in the following photos, we love “learning by doing” with such visual projects! 

We hope you enjoy them too!

dimecres, 8 de novembre del 2017


L’altre dia ens va arribar a classe una caixa molt misteriosa d’en Josep Quintana on hi havia un pendrive, una capsa amb un cadenat i un sobre amb incògnites. Sembla ser que tot és part d’un cas que hauran de resoldre durant tot el curs per trobar uns plànols d’Antoni Gaudí.

Per resoldre el cas, necessitaven treballar en equip i posar en pràctica alguns coneixements matemàtics com les operacions combinades. La veritat és que van ser molt hàbils i al final van aconseguir l’objectiu.

Sentim no donar-vos gaire informació però ja sabeu que els detectius guarden els secrets molt bé. Quin serà el proper cas per resoldre? Restem a l’espera...

Fins aviat!