dijous, 22 de desembre del 2016

A guest in the school

Hello everyone!
This week Nesya's best friend, Caleb, came to school from the USA and visited some classes. He explained where he came from and what his job is about. It was a big surprise when we discovered that he plays in a pop music band! It was fantastic listening to his stories and his songs; the students were very excited and they enjoyed being around a musician. In the next pictures you can see him teaching in 4th grade and taking a selfie with Nesya in 5th grade. 

Thanks for coming, it was great!

divendres, 9 de desembre del 2016



We want to share with you that, these past weeks, the 2nd, 3rd and 6th graders have been doing some activities related to emotions in Workshop class. They are very proud of the final result!

In these pictures you can see second grade students creating their activity.

The final result is amazing!

Third grade students created lollipops explaining how they feel.

Finally sixth grade students wrote in carbords of different colours an adjective of their personality. Now they know themselves and the others much better!

Els alumnes de 5è durant aquesta setmana han estat treballant el programa "Be Funky" que serveix per editar imatges. Aprofitant aquestes dates han creat una postal de Nadal retocant una imatge seva. Aquí us deixem amb les felicitacions de la Laura i la Sara de 5è B.

També hem pogut descobrir la web de "pillandpillow" des d'on els alumnes de 5è han creat un arbre molt origina'l. Feu-hi un cop d'ull! 

dijous, 1 de desembre del 2016

5è A Felicitem el Nadal amb Scratch!

Amb les festes de Nadal a tocar, els alumnes de robòtica hem après a crear felicitacions de Nadal animades amb el programa Scratch! 

Hem pogut enregistrar les nostres veus cantant nadales o posar moviment als personatges nadalencs! 

Si des de casa voleu provar de fer-ho, entreu al següent link i animeu-vos a programar!! 
