dijous, 22 de desembre del 2016

A guest in the school

Hello everyone!
This week Nesya's best friend, Caleb, came to school from the USA and visited some classes. He explained where he came from and what his job is about. It was a big surprise when we discovered that he plays in a pop music band! It was fantastic listening to his stories and his songs; the students were very excited and they enjoyed being around a musician. In the next pictures you can see him teaching in 4th grade and taking a selfie with Nesya in 5th grade. 

Thanks for coming, it was great!

divendres, 9 de desembre del 2016



We want to share with you that, these past weeks, the 2nd, 3rd and 6th graders have been doing some activities related to emotions in Workshop class. They are very proud of the final result!

In these pictures you can see second grade students creating their activity.

The final result is amazing!

Third grade students created lollipops explaining how they feel.

Finally sixth grade students wrote in carbords of different colours an adjective of their personality. Now they know themselves and the others much better!

Els alumnes de 5è durant aquesta setmana han estat treballant el programa "Be Funky" que serveix per editar imatges. Aprofitant aquestes dates han creat una postal de Nadal retocant una imatge seva. Aquí us deixem amb les felicitacions de la Laura i la Sara de 5è B.

També hem pogut descobrir la web de "pillandpillow" des d'on els alumnes de 5è han creat un arbre molt origina'l. Feu-hi un cop d'ull! 

dijous, 1 de desembre del 2016

5è A Felicitem el Nadal amb Scratch!

Amb les festes de Nadal a tocar, els alumnes de robòtica hem après a crear felicitacions de Nadal animades amb el programa Scratch! 

Hem pogut enregistrar les nostres veus cantant nadales o posar moviment als personatges nadalencs! 

Si des de casa voleu provar de fer-ho, entreu al següent link i animeu-vos a programar!! 


dijous, 24 de novembre del 2016

Dear families,

5th grade students have been learning about the different types of ecosystems that are in the world: pond, woodland, coast, city, prairie, etc. In these pictures we show you different productions that we have done in class. Enjoy them!
 5th D

dimecres, 23 de novembre del 2016

Drawing and painting on the corridor walls!

Hello everyone!

In first grade we have read the story of Elmer the Elephant. It was very interesting and we understood that every person is different and special. We did different activities related with the book, but the last one was the following:

(Elmer the elephant-David McKee)

Every student had to draw a piece of paper and stick it on Elmer's body. At the end this was the result, a colorful and very original elephant. We also included the quote "Dare to be different!".

(Senecio-Paul Klee)

 Another activity that we have done is to analyze Paul Klee paintings and we discovered that they have balance and symmetry. The last one we have been working on is "Senecio". The students recreated on their own way this painting from 1922 and the result is wonderful.

dilluns, 21 de novembre del 2016

Thanksgiving is coming!

Hello everyone!
This week Nesya, our American assistant, is teaching Thanksgiving history to primary students. In the following pictures you can see her teaching the first Thanksgiving dinner, the traditional food, the parades and the reason for saying thank you and gather together with their families. 
The students paid attention all the time and asked her a lot of questions. It was really interesting, thank you so much Nesya! 

divendres, 18 de novembre del 2016

5th grade new project: Ecosystems!

Dear all,

During the last month we have been learning about ecosystems. In these pictures you can see some productions of the project that we have been carrying out in 5th grade.

They had a great time while learning in groups. We hope you like it! 

dijous, 17 de novembre del 2016

Little Red Ridding Hood

Hi Everyone!
Yesterday P-5, 1st and 2nd Grade students went to see the play “Little Red” by IPA Productions at our school.
This is the plot of the story:
One morning Mrs. Riding Hood prepares breakfast for her daughter, Little Red, before she goes to school. Little Red doesn’t like breakfast. She also doesn’t like school. She decides to go shopping and visit her Granny. Before she gets to Granny’s house, she meets a wolf in the forest. The wolf is very hungry. But this is not his biggest problem. Little Red doesn’t like wolves and she will meet one of them. What is she going to do?

The play was great and we had lot of fun. For the last 2 weeks the students read the story and practiced the songs, and yesterday, some of them had the chance to interact with the actors and be part of the play. It was fantastic!

divendres, 11 de novembre del 2016

L'Handbol a 5è

En aquest primer trimestre, els alumnes de 5è han començat amb moltes ganes de fer esport. El primer esport que han treballat ha estat l'handbol: han fet exercicis i jocs de bot, passades, de punteria i llançament. Per portar-ho tot a la pràctica, han realitzat alguns partidets.

Un cop finalitzada la unitat, ja tenen ganes de saber quin serà l'esport següent que treballarem.