dilluns, 11 de juny del 2018

This morning some very special people paid us a visit, our e-Pals! They’ve come all the way from Liverpool (Anfield Road Primary School) and they’re staying in Barcelona until next Friday. First, we've introduced ourselves and then we've made some presentations about different topics so they get to know us and the school better. We've talked about the school, places to visit in Barcelona, the typical food and we’ve given them some tips to be good tourists as well. After that, we've have played a Kahoot! to check what they've learned!
We’ve also made a tour of the building and we've showed them the swimming pool, our classrooms, the dining room, the playground and so on. Finally, we’ve gone up to Sala Taronja and we’ve played some get-to-know-you games, it’s been a great day! We hope they come back soon!

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